Please support us with a donation!


Your support as a donor helps us to work towards our goal to unite business interests, to involve the entire Eastern Fresno County communities in enhancing the area’s overall economic health, showcase investment opportunities and promote tourism in the foothill-mountain region.

Review our current list of Projects!

Use the button below to donate $50, $100, $250 or more right now!

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Become a Community Partner

Our Community Partners help us provide Eastern Fresno County
with leadership and financial assistance.

These organizations and individuals have taken a leadership role in helping this organization to better serve the communities in the Eastern Fresno County region.

Through their sponsorships, these organizations help us to provide a wide variety of services to the businesses, investors, residents and tourists that have a stake in this region.

Levels of participation are:

Bronze $1,000 ✦ Silver $2,500 ✦ Gold $5,000
Diamond $7,500 ✦ Platinum $10,000.

Thank you, one and all!

Become a Community Partner.