Membership Benefits
A mobile-responsive Greater Shaver Lake Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau website is a very professional, multifaceted platform to give the organization a significant internet presence to promote the local economy and tourism. Membership

Business Directory
All members receive an individual listing in the Business Directory. Members can upgrade and personalize directory listings with a business description, company bio, map, photos, social media links, and more. Details

Members can have events posted to the regional Calendar by submitting all relevant information using an online form. Post Here You can add as many events as you wish, as often as you want.

Social Media
Marissa Neely, Fair Winds Media, is using Facebook and Instagram to present useful information on members and for visitors. She can offer members advertising options if they wish to participate. Get Involved

Job Postings
Members can post job openings on the chamber website as often as they need. New submissions are also included in the monthly Newsletter. Post a Job.

Tourist Information Outlets
Partnerships are being made with a variety of regional outlets in which Member brochures, rack cards and other media will be displayed. Special rates on rack cards and brochures are available to members. Details

Telephone Service
An individual with an excellent knowledge answers the (559) 841-3350 phone from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week to give assistance and information to callers.
Help Out With A Donation!

Regional Publication
An excellent regional brochure is available to any business that wishes to display it. Request some.

Community Relations
We will be working closely with other regional organizations to achieve our mutual goals of providing a wonderful, safe and prosperous place for businesses, residents and tourists. Give us your thoughts on the region!

Effective Communications
A Monthly Newsletter, News Releases and Email Blasts are used and include photos, member information, events, regional news, and more! Limited advertising is available. Details

Welcome to New Neighbors
New residents can request a Welcome Card from the Chamber. All members are encouraged to provide an incentive to attrack the newcomers into their business. Statistics show that a $25 to $50 allowance show a significant return on investment. This is a great way to introduce your business to new residents. Sign Up

Community Partnerships
These organizations and individuals have taken a leadership role in helping this organization to better serve the communities in the Eastern Fresno County region. Through their sponsorships and donations, the organization can provide a variety of services to the businesses, investors, residents and tourists that have a stake in this region. Become a Community Partner.

Legislative and Public Policy
The Chamber is the vision and the voice of the Eastern Fresno County communities. With no municipality to look after local issues, the Chamber of Commerce is the only organization that represents regional businesses and the communities to local, state and Federal agencies.
Contact Your Governmental Official

Marketing & Advertising Opportunities
From website advertising to newsletter ad spots, special offers in email blasts, and media partner display stands, the ways you can advertise through the chamber are ever improving and growing. Details.

Vacation Planning
Individuals requesting information for day trips or extended vacations into the Eastern Fresno County region can use the extensive website to find everything they need to plan a fantastic trip. Explore and Plan